Some move mountains whilst mining nature.
We move mountains of molecules to protect and heal nature.

Our Why:

The ocean and climate are deeply intertwined; the state of one directly impacts the other. Covering over 70% of the Earth's surface, the ocean plays a crucial role in influencing weather and climate by absorbing solar radiation, distributing heat and moisture throughout the ocean and atmosphere, and driving global weather systems. However, after 10,000 years of relative stability, the past 170 years of greenhouse gas emissions now threaten the stability of this ocean-climate dynamic. Elevated GHGs trap an enormous amount of extra heat from the sun, with 90% of it absorbed by the ocean, disrupting numerous oceanic functions and systems, including O₂ loss. Additionally, about 30% of the excess carbon dioxide has been absorbed into the ocean, leading to increased acidity. Restoring ocean health cannot succeed without addressing the root cause: excessive CO₂ and other greenhouse gas pollution in our air and water.

Our Technology:

  • mCDR - Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal

    The imperative, challenge and opportunity to capture carbon dioxide from water is massive.

    The ocean already holds more carbon than any other part of Earth’s biosphere. The sheer scale of our oceans and rivers also means that marine-based carbon dioxide removal solutions have the potential to achieve the scale needed.

    Adept Aqua’s novel approach to mCDR is patent pending.

    We have invented a new category of mCDR, our solution does not require electrons (green or otherwise) for processing.

  • Oxygenation / Aeration.

    Dissolved Oxygen (DO), is essential for the health of natural and industrial marine and aquatic environments.

    The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water is influenced by human activity.

    Oxygenation / aeration promotes healthy ecological processes to break down organic matter and recycle nutrients, increasing or maintaining the oxygen saturation of water.

    Oxygenation or Aeration are commonly used to address low oxygen levels or algal blooms, and are proven to deliver positive results.

We harness natural renewable energy (non-electrified) to conduct “work”, injecting and/or extracting molecules with, to and from water.

Invention and Commercialisation:

Carbon Dioxide Extraction:

We have invented (patent pending), and are commercialising a novel approach to extract carbon dioxide from water.

Our novel approach is a new category of mCDR. Our technology is powered by passive natural energy, without the need for sorbents or electrochemical processing.

Oxygenation & Aeration:

Adept Aqua is also commercialising a Eureka Prize-winning innovation and associated technologies, to revolutionise natural and industrial water oxygenation/aeration.

The underlying technologies were originally invented by a team of physicists (who had worked extensively on high-technology sensors in international laboratories and played pivotal roles in establishing the Australian Synchrotron) for the purpose of saving human lives at birth within low-resource settings, such as sub-Saharan Africa, without the need for electricity.

These technologies have been deployed by a not-for-profit foundation and have been utilised for many years by medical professionals in the treatment of 11,000+ babies and young patients across Tanzania, Uganda, and the Pacific Islands. (In 2018 the team of physicists became the first group to produce medical oxygen using no electricity).

The team at Adept Aqua very much looks forward to IP licensing revenues supporting the foundation in their noble mission.

Our Opportunity:

Nature remediation services

  • mCDR - Marine Carbon Dioxide Removal via a novel Adept Aqua process (patent pending)

  • Oxygenating / Aerating bodies of water that are at risk, due to human activities such as agrochemical (ammonia) run-off into our rivers.

  • Nitrous oxide (N₂O) is a potent greenhouse gas and a major contributor to climate change, often referred to as a "Super-Pollutant" due to its significant environmental impact. While it is naturally occurring and used in various industrial and medical applications, its primary source is agricultural activities, particularly the use of nitrogen-based fertilizers. N₂O has a global warming potential nearly 300 times greater than carbon dioxide (CO₂) over a 100-year period, making it one of the most harmful greenhouse gases. Additionally, it depletes the ozone layer, exacerbating its negative effects on both climate and atmospheric health. Reducing N₂O emissions is crucial for mitigating climate change and protecting the environment.

Trading of Industrial Gases

  • Prospective buyers include:

    • eFuel producers.
      (eg. eSAF, eMethanol, eDiesel, eGasoline)

    • Sustainable cement producers.
      (eg. CO2 Mineralisation)

    • Food and Beverage industry.
      (eg. Beer, carbonated drinks, food packaging)

    • Agriculture, Horticulture and Aquaculture.
      - CO2 enrichment within greenhouses promotes plant growth and increases crop yields.
      - Controlled Environment Agriculture, such as vertical farming and other controlled environment agricultural systems.
      - Aquaculture industry, specifically Recirculating Aquaculture Systems (RAS), for seaweed and oyster nurseries.

  • Prospective buyers include:

    • Aquaculture Industry.
      eg. To maintain optimal oxygen levels in fin-fish farming.

    • Water and Wastewater Treatment plants.
      eg. For aeration and enhancing water quality, and to promote aerobic digestion of organic matter.

    • Food Packaging
      eg. Modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) to extend shelf life.

    • Aerospace and Aviation
      eg. Space Agencies and Contractors, for rocket propulsion and life support systems.

    • Pharmaceuticals and Biotechnology
      eg. Bioreactors, for cell culture and fermentation processes.

    • Marine and Aquatic Research Institutions
      eg. Oceanography, for underwater breathing apparatuses and research submarines.

  • Agriculture sector utilisation:

    Controlled Atmosphere Storage:

    • Fruit and vegetable preservation: Nitrogen gas is used to create a low-oxygen environment in storage facilities, which slows down the ripening process and extends shelf life.

    • Insect control within grain silos: Nitrogen gas is used to displace oxygen in grain silos, creating an environment that kills insects and prevents infestation without the use of chemical pesticides.


    • Reduced Chemical Use: Minimizes the need for chemical pesticides in grain storage.

    • Improved Crop Quality: Enhances the quality and longevity of stored agricultural products.

    • Sustainable Farming: Supports the production of fertilizers that are essential for high-yield and sustainable farming practices.

Desirable end-use examples

  • eSAF - Sustainable Aviation Fuel
    (aka. Non-biogenic SAF, synthetic fuel) is an aviation industry decarbonisation pathway that utilises captured carbon dioxide, green hydrogen, and renewable electricity to produce a drop-in liquid fuel that delivers emissions reductions of up to 90% compared to fossil fuels. 

    With net zero by 2050, the aviation industry is entering into partnerships to accelerate the use of SAF across their fleets, with initiatives underway to develop a SAF industry in Australia.
    Leaders such as Qantas have set a target for 10% of their fuel to be SAF by 2030 and 60% by 2050.

    Note: Singapore will require the use of some sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) on all flights departing the country from 2026 as part of a sustainability blueprint published by the government

  • eMethanol, also known as renewable methanol, is methanol produced using renewable energy sources and captured carbon dioxide (CO2). This sustainable fuel and chemical feedstock offers an eco-friendly alternative to conventional methanol, which is typically produced from fossil fuels.

    Over the last few years, there has been a massive increase in the volume of new-build methanol-ready ships on order, with the worlds largest shipping company Maersk leading the way.

    Note: The maritime shipping sector could fall 3m tonnes of methanol short of the 14m tonnes it will need for dual-fuel ships by 2028, according to a report by Bloomberg New Energy Finance.

  • The process involves capturing and converting carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions into stable, solid minerals that can be used in cement and concrete.


  • We believe in the need to create a Circular Carbon Economy.
    Capturing CO2 from oceans, rivers, atmosphere or industrial sources and utilising it in the production of eFuels like eSAF, creates a circular carbon economy, recycling CO2, and reducing net emissions.

  • Whilst we agree with the need to electrify everything as quickly as possible in order to stay within safe planetary boundaries and avoid catastrophic tipping points, the harsh reality is that there still remains technical barriers which stand in the way of decarbonising hard to abate sectors such as Aviation/Aerospace and Maritime/Shipping.
    We estimate that for the next few decades at least, the most feasible and viable decarbonisation pathway for hard-to-abate sectors will require the proliferation of drop-in eFuels.
    There is a growing consensus that biofuels will not be able to scale to meet global demand, due to supply constraint realities of biogenic carbon sources.

  • Carbon Capture and Utilisation (CCU), & Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) are often mistaken as the same thing.
    The carbon capture (CC) element can be the same source of carbon dioxide, however there are two distinct schools of thought emerging in the debate.
    The CCS school of thought advocates for captured carbon to be stored in depleted oil and gas deposits. (unsurprisingly, this is the position of the O&G sector)
    On the other hand, the CCU school of thought advocates for captured carbon to be effectively "recycled/reused" in the production of circular carbon economy products.
    Adept Aqua is an advocate of CCU.

  • Agrochemical run-off is a contributing factor to nutrient overload in our rivers and waterways.

    We look forward to working hand-in-hand with farmers who are working hard to feed and clothe the world's population to develop and implement solutions which support their ability to maintain the viability of their farming operations. We believe we can do this whilst also implementing solutions along the banks of rivers and waterways, for continuous remediation of nutrient runoff.

    It's also worth noting that farmers are currently under pressure to accept water buy-backs, however there is strong push back, as the pressure of climate change on farm productivity, having reduced access to water, the demands of a growing population, and the need to maintain agricultural productivity and its ongoing contribution to national GDP, makes for a tense situation, one that we aim to positively impact with our solutions.

  • We estimate that there are three things need to occur, in order to catalyse the shift away from fossil fuel reliance.

    1. Continued energy efficiency improvements.

    2. Electrification of everything possible and increased deployment of renewables and storage.

    3. Proliferation of CCU and production of drop-in eFuels, catering for hard-to-abate sectors.

  • Then we would have created a better world, with clean water and air, renewables, preserved biodiversity and protected endangered species, created energy independence, and built more livable cities, all for nothing.

  • We charge our partners per unit of gases extracted, injected or delivered (cubic metres) or in the case of Nitrous Oxide, gases mitigated (tons).

Contact us:

We’d love to hear from you, to explore opportunities to positively impact nature, together.